
Welcome Aboard!

The Name of this site is a truncated line from a play accredited to George Bernard Shaw.

“Those who can, do; those who can’t do, teach.”

I have often substituted the word “preach” and have heard others substitute “coach” in that phrase; especially during a fluff filled pulpit lecture or mis-management of a team’s max potential and effectiveness. Hence the reason the phrase is often considered derogatory to those in the field of education or instruction. However, without those who “do teach” there would be even less who “can do.”

Heaven knows society could use more who “do teach” and “can do” it well.

  • Favorite Cartridges (Part 5, Ned Roberts)

    Humble Beginnings? The History Channel states, “the Roaring Twenties were a period of rapid economic growth and social change.” Another source claims, “The 1920s was a decade of…profound cultural conflicts. For many Americans, the growth of cities, the rise of a consumer culture, the upsurge of mass entertainment, and the so-called “revolution in morals and…

  • A New Year Resolution I Can Get Behind

    Another year is upon us, although in most cultures and societies around the world the first of January holds no significance whatsoever. For them the year restarted on winter solstice and some cultures for economic/agriculture purposes begin or end the year on the vernal or autumnal equinoxes. In western societies January 1st means resolutions and…

  • Favorite Cartridges (Part 4, Townsend Whelen)

    The previous blog article I would say is a fair assessment of hunting progression. Based on the article I was in the first three stages all at the same time while in high school. During that era, as stated in my previous Favorites post, I hunted everything big game with the trusty 270 Winchester. It…

  • Hunting Progression

    Through age and experience we understood that we progress through various stages in life. For instance every 11-13 years the neuron connections in our brain re-establish themselves into new pathways. Hence every 11-13 years the average person is subject to new understandings of topics previously known, i.e. we change our mind, we typically are more…

  • Something Old, Something New

    Another Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is upon us. Gone are the Salvation Army door greeting Santa’s with their lil red kettles. Firmly established now is the “post common sense era” retail line of “Have a great day!” Not matter what time of day it is, followed by “Have a wonderful Holiday season!”…

  • Favorite Cartridges (Part 3, Jack O’Connor)

    270 Winchester (aka WCF) Not much is known or can be said definitively as to why this particular caliber came to be. Since its inception in 1925 there is little doubt as to its success on animals from Coyotes to Moose and everything in between; not to mention its popularity across the land as it…